Women’s Design Cut

$38.00 + (Salon Price)

$45.00 + (Jessica’s Price)

Women’s Cut & Style

$45.00 + (Salon Cost)

$54.00 + (Jessica’s Cost)

Specialty Dry Cut By Jessica

  • Medium $50 .00

  • Long $70.00

    Split Ender Dusting

  • Medium $45.00

  • Long $65.00

    This service is designed for a client who only wants to dust the surface of their hair. Using a special tool to glide down your hair shaft section by section, cutting only an 1/8 of an inch and only catching hairs lifting off the hair shaft. (Book only with Jessica)

Bang Trim $13.00

Men’s Cut $29.00

Child’s Cut $25.00

Click here to book any of these services!